Ecumenismo hoy

Ecumenismo hoy
Breve historia de la unidad de los cristianos

Vaticano II: historia, contexto, doctrina

Vaticano II: historia, contexto, doctrina
El concilio en sus textos

Corea del Norte es el mayor perseguidor de cristianos, donde resisten cerca de 500.000 creyentes

Corea del Norte es el mayor perseguidor de cristianos, donde resisten cerca de 500.000 creyentes

miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2018

WCC to celebrate 70th anniversary in the Netherlands — World Council of Churches

WCC to celebrate 70th anniversary in the Netherlands — World Council of Churches: During a 23 August service in the Netherlands in the Nieuwe Kerk, a 15th-century church in Amsterdam, WCC leaders will celebrate the WCC’s 70th anniversary at the very spot in which the organization was founded.

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