Ecumenismo hoy

Ecumenismo hoy
Breve historia de la unidad de los cristianos

Vaticano II: historia, contexto, doctrina

Vaticano II: historia, contexto, doctrina
El concilio en sus textos

Vaticano: El estado del Papa Francisco continúa siendo crítico | ACI Prensa

Vaticano: El estado del Papa Francisco continúa siendo crítico | ACI Prensa

sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2019

Faith and Reason in the Thought of John Henry Newman - Public Discourse

Faith and Reason in the Thought of John Henry Newman - Public Discourse: Faith and Reason, Saint John Henry Newman argues, are not opposed mental actions, but a similar intellectual act operating on different grounds. Faith reasons not from direct empirical evidence placed before us, nor from principles that the intellect has grasped on its own, but from grounds of trust

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