Ecumenismo hoy

Ecumenismo hoy
Breve historia de la unidad de los cristianos

Vaticano II: historia, contexto, doctrina

Vaticano II: historia, contexto, doctrina
El concilio en sus textos

Vaticano: El estado del Papa Francisco continúa siendo crítico | ACI Prensa

Vaticano: El estado del Papa Francisco continúa siendo crítico | ACI Prensa

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2019

Tveit “ Continue to be the light and the salt in this society” — World Council of Churches

Tveit “ Continue to be the light and the salt in this society” — World Council of Churches: Interview in written form with Olav Fykse Tveit, general secretary of the World Council of Churches. On the occasion of his farewell visit during the Fall Assembly of Delegates the general secretary of the World Council of Churches WCC, pastor Olav Fykse Tveit, gave the Federation of Swiss Protestant Churches FSPC an exclusive and elaborate interview regarding the current ecumenical movement and its future prospects

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