Ecumenismo hoy

Ecumenismo hoy
Breve historia de la unidad de los cristianos

Vaticano II: historia, contexto, doctrina

Vaticano II: historia, contexto, doctrina
El concilio en sus textos

Corea del Norte es el mayor perseguidor de cristianos, donde resisten cerca de 500.000 creyentes

Corea del Norte es el mayor perseguidor de cristianos, donde resisten cerca de 500.000 creyentes

sábado, 1 de agosto de 2020

The Church Has the Form of a City - Public Discourse

The Church Has the Form of a City - Public Discourse: The book of Acts shows that the Catholic Church has the form of a city in which a specific work is conducted. That work of sanctification has its source in the sacrifice of the Mass, which the state must allow the Church to continue celebrating as much as possible. This essay originally appeared in

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